To Arrange a Free Site Survey Call: +353 (0)1 839 1000 or Email:

Identifying areas at risk

Recommending preventative measures

Recommending procedures for responding to incidents

Recommending appropriate equipment for prevention and response

What does the Free Site Survey entail?

As a business, understanding your environmental risk is key to ensuring legal compliance and minimising the potential for pollution. A pollution incident may result in regulatory action or third party claims for damage. In addition to legal fines or damages, insurance costs may increase as a result of an incident. This may affect your business’s competitiveness by damaging your business reputation.

In addition, the introduction of the EU Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) has placed a new set of potential liabilities on operators and companies that cause environmental damage. The ELD covers environmental damage caused by, or resulting from, the activities of operators to protected species and natural habitats, waters covered by the Water Framework Directive and land contamination that creates a significant risk of harming human health.

To Arrange a Free Site Survey
Call: +353 (0)1 839 1000 or Email: